Thursday, January 6, 2011


Brazil has a border with most of South America, but it never touches Chile, or Ecuador. Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world. Brazil has the sixth largest population. Brazil also has one of the most largest Rainforest in the world. Brazil has winter in June and it does not end until August. Then Brazil summer is in December, but that does not end until February. Brazil has a tropical climate. Brazil's capital is Brasilia and Brazil's population is 179 million. Brazil's language is Portuguese that is there original language. Brazil had independence in 1822 from Portugal.

The Portuguese were the first settlers to live in Brazil. The Portuguese discovered Brazil with Pedro Alavares Cabral. They discovered Brazil in 1500. More Portuguese settlers came to discover also with Cabral to find goods that were valuable. They did that because they wanted to trade with Europe. They also did that to help land that was not settled. They also did that because they wanted to stop poverty in Portugal. The one item they found was pau it's a Brazil wood tree. That actual was a valuable good for them.

Pedro Alavares Cabral is a Portuguese navigator. Cabral Traveled on to India to discover other adventures. He traveled to make a trade with pepper for spices. Cabral was born in Belmonte. He was a noble man. Pedro Alavares Cabral became Vasco Da Gama's friend. Pedro Alavares Cabral was in lead of a expedition and they gave Cabral 13 ships to be in lead of. Sadly Cabral died and he was buried in Santarem, Portugal.

In 1530 a Portuguese King named King John the 3rd. King John the 3rd started a program for colonization in Brazil. First he put Brazil into15 districts. There were people called grantees but they were really called donatoris. These donatoris had certain powers over certain things. King John the 3rd denied some of the powers. The Governor General came in to Brazil. His name was Thome de Souza he was the first governor general to come into Brazil in 1549.

Brazil has several resources like baxiute, iron ore,nickel,manganese,granite,limestone,clay,sand,tin,gold,gems,petroleum,timber,wood,sugar,coffee,clothing,fertilizer etc. Brazil's agriculture Resources are sugar cane, corn, cassava, soy beans, oranges, wheat, dry beans, coffee, cotton, tomatoes, potatoes, cocoa, peanuts ,rice, beef, cattle, pork. Brazil uses these items to help there country and to make it easier on them. They have coffee planters and farmers. Coffee was introduced unto Brazil a man named Francisco de Mello Palheta. He introduced coffee to Brazil in 1727.The had a place called ICO which means International Coffee Organization. From now on the Brazil is not known as just blending coffee beans they roast coffee beans. They mix roasted coffee beans and non roasted coffee beans and gives it a extra excitement and more flavor to the coffee. Brazil uses crops to plant these certain things like the ones i listed up above.

Today in Brazil There Economics is rising. They have built up strong in alot of places like natural resources. Brazil is the most powerful country in South America. Some of the places the have got better in are Agricultural, service sectors, mining and manufacturing. Brazil has weaknesses too there mostly on there debts. The President has showed a program a economic program that helps people with there taxes and to grow in public services. Brazil has got so much better in economics today since the last couple of years. Brasil is doing good now than from years ago when it was all messed up so now they are doing better.

Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) at the top of Corcovado Mountain.
Prickly fruit (name unknown to me).Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) at the top of Corcovado Mountain.Country map
Ipanema and islands viewed from the top of Corcovado Mountain.


                                                           BY: Danyel Royster